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Remote working is now the norm for many of Kiwis so creating a comfortable and productive workspace has never been more important.

Forget sitting on the sofa with your laptop balanced on your knee or huddled up in a corner of the living room. Why not create yourself a dedicated and permanent home office where you can work from in comfort. 

If you’re in need of some inspiration, Comparity New Zealand have put together our favourite industry expert hints and tips to help you create a happy, healthy, and productive home office space.

A well-lit room is essential to helping keep kiwis alert throughout the working day, especially during shorter days.

Alex BowenComparity New Zealand

Invest in a desk

We all know how unproductive working from a makeshift office can be so creating a dedicated space will make your 9 to 5 easier and more comfortable.

Spend a bit of time finding the right desk for you, whether it’s standing, folding or just a tradition style. Consider choosing a desk with drawers as this will give you somewhere to store your essentials such as notebooks, paperwork, and laptop. Some desks even adjust so you can stand and work from them! Crazy times eh 

If buying a new desk isn’t an option, a laptop stand that can be placed on your dining or kitchen table will also get the job done then easily stored away at the end of the day.

Choose the right New Zealand office colour palette 

If the stress of looming deadlines and targets are getting too much or you’re easily distracted, introducing the right colour palette can help. Colour psychology plays an important part in any environment so selecting the one to suit your needs is important.

Blue: Known to promote a stable and calming workspace, helping you stay focused and productive.

White: Fresh, clean, and modern. It looks appealing in wide open spaces and when combined with another colour, will create a more balanced and brighter room.

Black: A powerful colour signifying control and gives off vibes of luxury and elegance. However, as black has a tendency to absorb natural light, it should be used as an accent to compliment other colours.

Red: Bold, confident, and stimulating, red is often associated with passion and energy which is perfect for high pressured jobs. Keep in mind that too much red can be overpowering so it’s good to combine this colour into a more neutral colour scheme.

Green: Perfect for creating a balance between your body, mind, and emotions. Green is often associated with productivity and creativity, making it a popular choice for workspaces. You can also introduce green by adding plants, furniture, or accessories.

Yellow: Yellow can be linked to happiness, positivity, and optimism so adding in splashes of yellow can boost creativity and feeling happier while sat at your desk.

Plants, plants, and more plants, we love plants New Zealand. Kiwis love plants. 

Aside from being pleasing to the eye, houseplants are highly rated by both interior designers and medical experts for their positive effect on our bodies and workspaces. So whether you’re working in a smaller space or have a large home office, lots of plants are a great way to bring natural world inside.

Kiwis, keep it light and airy

A well-lit room is essential to helping keep kiwis alert throughout the working day, especially during shorter days.

The right lighting makes all the difference when it comes to needing a creative boost or inspiration as a dark space tends to leave us feeling tired and unenthused.

Try to choose a room in your home that plenty of natural daylight and hang up mirrors on the walls to reflect as much of the natural light as you can. If your desk faces a wall, moving it to another spot that lets you have a window view instead will offer some well needed respite from staring at a screen all day.

Need a helping hand creating your own Kiwi home office?

Our low-cost home improvement loans are perfect for getting your home office plans on track. New Zealanders can borrow between $3000 and $80,000 with competitive rates from as low as 3.1%. 

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